Sunday, 31 March 2013

New Blog/News Feed

Happy Easter, Everyone!

I hope everyone has had a nice and warm winter. I've added the news blog to be able to pass along updates and information. as well you can also follow us on twitter (@justparkit_ca) and Facebook(

As some of you may have noticed, a few new parks have been added to the site. These were a few leftovers from last fall, that i have been using to develop some of the upcoming features. More new parks will be added as soon as the snow has melted and the grass has greened up a bit (This makes for better pictures). if you have suggestions for new parks, please feel free to contact me through the address listed here, Contact Us.

As for new features, the finishing touches and tests are being done on a few of them, including being able to submit your own parks, which (once reviewed and approved) will be added publicly to the database. I can't provide an exact timeline on when it will become available, however I hope to finish them off and make sure they work, with in the next month or so.

So stay tuned for updates, I hope this will be a very good year for us.
JustParkIt Admin